Dear prayer partners,
Thank you for your prayers. First, a testimony and praise report, slightly overdue:
A prayer partner commented on my last post and helped me realize that I forgot to share a testimony from my time of ankle recovery in Lima. I was making daily trips in taxis because walking to stops with crutches and standing in crowded buses wasn’t feasible. By God’s grace, I was often able to strike up a conversation with the driver and was able to share a part of my journey from hurt to healing. The young men often found my description of Proverbs to be intriguing and relevant to their lives.
“What part should I read?!” they would often ask. I would get their number and send them a link to download a Bible app. About a third either spoke a minority language themselves or had parents that did. In those cases, I was able to direct them to Scripture and Gospel resources in their heart language.
I was surprised by the number that later responded, thanking me, or asking for more direction. I am grateful to my Wycliffe mentor that taught me to make the most of these opportunities, and ultimately to God, that he uses us in his mission.
In regards to my last post, the city protests have stopped for the time being and the Christian wedding of my Quechua brother went splendidly. The translation team is exploring options for funding. I also praise God for a wonderful first overnight visit to the village! The two days went by fast, though the allergens did give me some difficulty.
At present my ankle is continuing to improve, though progress towards 100% recovery seems to be tapering off. Even so, I am still working on it and incredibly grateful to be able to walk 1 to 3 miles at a time without much trouble.
Getting my work visa involves collaborating with a partner organization, and scheduling challenges have prevented any progress. Please pray for good collaboration, a clear path, and safe travels to Lima next week so that we can finally get the process started.
It is difficult for newly arrived foreigners to get home internet installed. Only being able to access the internet through my phone’s prepaid data plan has proved to be quite inhibiting to my work. Please pray for a solution.
Please pray for me as I sometimes struggle to be patient and have a graceful spirit when facing obstacles and delays. I strive to live humbly, with the attitude of a learner.
Please also pray as I work to develop good, disciplined Quechua study habits, even when away from the language community.
How can I be praying for you?
Thanks so much,
Your work is so cool! Glad to hear you are recovering well. Looking forward to seeing you again and chatting about your adventures. Say since you are embedded in another country I am curious if you see things that every day folk like me can do to serve the poor in other countries. Just curious what your insights are for how best we can be of service when we are tied down here in the US.
Hey Andrew, thanks so much for writing and for your excellent, most important question. It’s great to hear from you!
Two thoughts come to mind. First, educate yourself on what effective servanthood looks like. I enjoyed and benefited from “When Helping Hurts” so much that I’ve read it two or three times. I recommend it as a good starting point for being effective in whatever you end up doing!
Secondly I encourage you to look into serving the international community in Bellevue. Perhaps you family could become friends with the families of the English Language Learners (aka ESLs) at your kids’ school? I’m sure bring invited over for a meal would mean TONS to them! Just one possibility of many. …In any case, I welcome any more thoughts and discussion!