Thank you everyone for your prayers. That was a really rough week, but God carried me through it. I am also very grateful for an extension that I recieved for one course, good until the end of the month. God willing, I should be able to finish it okay as long as I keep my shoulder to the grindstone 🙂 .
I have three weeks between classes, and one week has already passed me by! I spent it taking care of household matters and working on the class that I got an extension for (A Biblical Theology of Suffering). In addition to that class, there are some other academic preperations I need to do before September 9th. Aside from those two matters, I desire to develop relationships with friends, family, and supporters (who are friends and family!). I also have a five-day family reunion!
I’m not sure how all of that will fit. Please pray for the above matters, including that the family reunion would be a meaningful, restful, and restorative time for all.
Here is a praise: I am fully funded for the fall! I thank God for his provision via CanIL’s scholarships, a scholarship from my church, and my ongoing supporters. God willing, only Spring Semester will still need funding, as I MAY be able to use transfer credits for a class that I am currently slated to take in the summer of 2016.
Thank you for everything. Please drop me a line to let me know how you are doing and how I can pray for you!
God bless,